Other industrial applications

Oil and Gas
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Wellhead systems | Prevents unauthorized access and ensures proper sequence of operations |
02 Gas distribution networks | Ensures safe and sequential valve operation to prevent gas leaks |
03 Pipeline pigging systems | Ensures safe depressurization and draining before opening |
04 Tank farms | Prevents mixing of different products by controlling valve sequences |
05 Oil and gas loading jetties | Ensures safe connection and disconnection during loading/unloading |
06 Flare systems | Keeps flare line open to prevent overpressure and accidents |
07 Pressure Safety Valves (PSV) | Maintains relief path during valve changeovers for continuous protection |
08 Ensures systematic shutdown in emergencies to prevent accidents | Prevents unauthorized access and ensures proper sequence of operations |
09 Blowout preventers (BOP) | Controls well pressure to prevent blowouts |

System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Reactor systems | Ensures safe chemical reactions by controlling valve sequences |
02 Distillation columns | Prevents improper feed and product flow through controlled sequences |
03 Storage tanks | Prevents product contamination by controlling valve access |
04 Transfer systems | Ensures safe transfer operations by preventing simultaneous operations |
05 Pressure relief systems | Maintains safety by controlling relief valve operations |
06 Pumping stations | Ensures pumps operate safely by controlling inlet and outlet valves |

System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Ammonia and urea synthesis units | Prevents hazardous reactions by ensuring proper operational sequences |
02 Storage and handling systems | Controls access to hazardous materials and ensures safe handling |
03 Process gas compressors | Ensures safe start-up and shutdown procedures |
04 Cooling water systems | Prevents overheating by ensuring proper water flow |
05 Pressure relief systems | Protects equipment from overpressure by maintaining relief paths |

Chemical Processing
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Reactor vessels | Ensures safe operation by controlling chemical feed sequences |
02 Distillation units | Prevents cross-contamination through controlled valve operations |
03 Chemical storage tanks | Prevents unauthorized access and accidental release |
04 Mixing and blending systems | Ensures safe and precise blending through sequence control |
05 Pressure relief systems | Maintains safety by ensuring proper relief valve operations |

Water & Wastewater Treatment
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Filtration systems | Prevents contamination by controlling backwash and filter operations |
02 Chlorination and disinfection units | Ensures safe dosing by controlling valve sequences |
03 Sludge processing systems | Controls safe handling and processing of sludge |
04 Pumping stations | Ensures pumps operate safely by controlling inlet and outlet valves |
05 Aeration systems | Ensures proper operation to maintain water quality |

Power Generation
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Boiler feed water systems | Prevents boiler damage by ensuring proper water flow |
02 Steam turbines | Ensures safe start-up and shutdown procedures |
03 Cooling water systems | Prevents overheating by ensuring proper water flow |
04 Fuel handling systems | Controls safe transfer and usage of fuel |
05 Pressure relief systems | Maintains safety by ensuring proper relief valve operations |
06 Flare systems | Keeps flare line open to prevent overpressure and accidents |

System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Reactor vessels | Ensures safe chemical reactions by controlling valve sequences |
02 Sterilization units | Prevents contamination by controlling access and operations |
03 Mixing and blending systems | Ensures precise blending through sequence control |
04 Filtration systems | Controls safe filtration processes |
05 Storage tanks | Prevents contamination and ensures proper storage conditions |

Steel and Metal Production
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Blast furnaces | Ensures safe operation by controlling air and fuel flow |
02 Cooling water systems | Prevents overheating by ensuring proper water flow |
03 Gas purification systems | Ensures safe removal of impurities |
04 Pressure relief systems | Protects equipment from overpressure |
05 Pumping stations | Ensures pumps operate safely by controlling inlet and outlet valves |

Storage and Transportation
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Tank farms | Prevents product mixing by controlling valve sequences |
02 Loading and unloading systems | Ensures safe connection and disconnection during transfer |
03 Pipeline pigging systems | Ensures safe depressurization and draining before opening |
04 Storage tanks | Prevents contamination and ensures proper storage conditions |
05 Pressure relief systems | Protects storage vessels from overpressure |

Other Process Industries
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Pulp and paper production systems | Ensures safe operation by controlling process flow |
02 Food and beverage processing units | Prevents contamination by controlling valve sequences |
03 Textile manufacturing units | Ensures proper chemical usage and safety |
04 Paint and coating production systems | Controls safe handling and mixing of chemicals |
05 Pressure relief systems | Maintains safety by ensuring proper relief valve operations |

Ethanol Industry
System Name | Problem Solved |
01 Fermentation Tanks | Ensures safe biochemical reactions by controlling valve sequences. |
02 Distillation Units | Prevents cross-contamination through controlled valve operations. |
03 Centrifuges and Decanters | Prevent the machine from operating if the load is too high which could cause excessive vibration or insufficient separation. |
04 Storage Tanks | Prevents contamination and ensures proper storage conditions. |
05 Pump-suction or Push button | Prevents the pump from being started or operated if the suction valve is closed or in the wrong position. This ensures that the pump does not run dry, which could damage it or lead to cavitation. |